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General Settings Help

The General Setting page allows the user to view, edit and save their company details. The settings tab is only available to Admin Users.

To change General Settings: Enter the following details. Details marked with ** are mandatory to save the settings.

  • Name - Enter the name of your Firm. **

  • Logo – Select your firm logo image file.

  • Email - Enter the contact email for your Firm. **

  • Phone - Enter the phone number for your Firm.

  • Address/Address 2 - Enter the address of your Firm.

  • Post Town - Enter the town or city your Firm is based in.

  • Postal Code - Enter the Postal Code for your Firm.

  • County - Enter the County your Firm is based in.

  • Country - Enter the Country your Firm is located in.

  • Passwords Expire - Enter the number of days for user passwords to expire.

Version: Displays the version of Document Services running at the moment.

Once you have entered these details click Save settings button . The firm image is added to the top left of the page. If an image is not selected the firm name will appear.

More Settings information: Tags, Users, Client Interview, Terms, Billing History, IP Restriction.